Monday, October 18, 2010

Question #31: Who should I vote for?

MarteeGee's question: Hey Steve, I don't know who to vote for in the coming election. Any suggestions?

Current mood: current

I'm so glad you asked MarteeGee. Although I think voting is akin to taking a pill that can increase the size of your penis, I would like to put aside my skepticism and apolitical leanings to endorse my good friend Mookie.

Mookie Salmon

Party affiliation: Trojans

Office sought: King

  1. A free box of crayons and a cannoli for every citizen
  2. Change the work week to Monday - Tuesday
  3. No more country music!
  4. Economy: Replace the dollar with colored paper clips
  5. Healthcare: Allow only really attractive people into dental school in order to make going to the dentist more pleasant; Eliminate insurance companies
  6. Education: Replace algebra with canoe building
Experience: Mookie is a long time pastry chef who's surprisingly good at giving oral sex (both women and men).

Vote for Mookie 
"He'll make you feel good"

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