Sunday, January 30, 2011

Question #39: How to get your dog to stop eating poop

Hamhock's question: Hi Steve, My Black Lab Rocky insists on eating his poop. I've tried everything to get him to stop. Do you have any advice? thanks. H

Current mood: splendid

Great question, Hamhock!

Here are some products I recommend:

Poop-O-Tine Patches: These slow-release patches provide your dog with that 'just ate shit' feeling for up to 12 hours! (Side effects may include fur loss, coprophagy, weight gain, cerebral palsy, opiate addiction, restless leg syndrome, bleeding gums, gas, panic attacks, sleeplessness, weight loss, suicidal thoughts and paranoia.)

NoDung Chewing Gum (formerly known as Fecalrette): Tastes like real imitation dog shit!

Fecaltine Lozenges: Each lozenge contains approximately one thousand dog-hating parasites armed with tiny spears. So the next time Rocky makes himself a snack . . . watch out !
Now in two flavors - Vomit and Road Kill

Good luck Hamhock . . . and thanks for your question !

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