Sunday, January 24, 2010

Question #5: Did Jesus really exist?

Mike's question: Did Jesus really exist?

Current Mood: Knitting

As it turns out Mike, Jesus did exist. I was curious about this myself so I went on a little adventure back to the time that he supposedly existed (a skill my grandmother taught me) to investigate for myself. I learned a lot that day. Jesus (not his real name) was a nice guy who sometimes struggled with impatience and was fond of the color 'lemon.' He was quite the radical (i.e., was not good with authority) who frequently complained about feeling misunderstood. He professed that all humans had the capacity to be "nice" if they'd only wake the fuck up. "Otherwise," I heard him say, "We're all just silly little, delirious meat puppets going around and around in circles, lifetime after lifetime." Jesus lived during a time when there was little freedom and people smelled really bad. And here's a little known fact, Mike - Jesus invented the tambourine. He was, in fact, the original Mr Tambourine Man.

Keep those questions coming!

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