Sunday, November 14, 2010

Question #34: Steve's thoughts on atheism

DarwinGuy's question: Steve, what do think about atheism?

Current mood: nautical

Excellent question, DarwinGuy.

In the absence of direct experience of the transpersonal realms (ie, non physical reality), I believe atheism is the most reasonable, intelligent worldview to hold. My understanding of the atheist movement is that these typically large-brained humans are not willing to believe in divinity until they have proof of divinity. That's a lot smarter than adopting a belief system because you 'hope,' or were told, it's true.

As you may know from previous posts I've written, the role of the Raven is to serve as a tour guide, if you will, for those humans - whom you call shamans and we call Phil - who can travel at will with their consciousness from the world of physical reality to the world of non-physical reality. Because of this, the terrain of non-physical reality is quite familiar to me. However, for those of you who have never had a bona-fide experience of non-physical reality (as a kid you most likely had them frequently) it would be foolish of you to believe that it exists simply because I suggest it does. For example, if I were to tell you that right now as you're reading this post that there's a squirrel wearing tiny sunglasses floating in the ethers over your right shoulder who's hitting your thick dream head repeatedly with a tennis racket, you'd probably not believe me. Am I right? All I can say is . . . maybe there's a squirrel, maybe there isn't. (There is.)

The reason why you won't know about the squirrel is because you'll only experience what you allow yourself to experience. If you tell yourself that physical reality is all there is, then that's all you'll experience. Your perceptions create (and limit) your reality.

Physical reality explanation of headache: stress

Non-physical reality explanation of headache: a squirrel wearing tiny sunglasses is hitting me repeatedly over the head with a tennis racket.

This means that the danger in looking for proof of something is that the lens in which you look through may not be broad enough. It would be akin to trying to understand the group mind a school of fish demonstrates by studying their bowel movements. Finding evidence of something non-physical using the framework of physicality is impossible. Quantum physics is starting to unlock and reveal the mysterious nature of non-physical reality because the quantum lens spans beyond the physical.


Spoiler alert: Quantum physics or not, for those of you looking for proof of god, you won't find it. That's because there is no god. If you're open to experiencing the wonders and mysteries of non-physical reality (available to everyone via altered states of consciousness), you're more likely to encounter a squirrel wearing tiny sunglasses than you are the god of monotheistic religions. But don't take my word for it. Find out for yourself.

There you have it DarwinGuy. I hope this was helpful.

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