Monday, September 27, 2010

Steve the Raven's "Help Me Bring Religion into the 21st Century" Contest

Current mood: Thai

In light of all the religious fervor these days, I've decided to jump on the bandwagon and create my own religion.

And I’m hoping you can help!

The foundation for any worthwhile religion is its name. It has to be something catchy, yet stirring. A flood of great names showered down on me from the heavens – so many great options that I found it virtually impossible to choose which one was best. It was overwhelming, really.

But then it hit me – how about a contest?!! Inventing a new religion should feel inclusive! So I invite all 13 of you, dear readers, to participate in the naming of my new religion.

All you have to do is review the options listed below and choose your top 3 favourites. In the comment section below or on facebook, list which names you picked in the order of your preference. The deadline for submitting your suggestions is October 9th, 2010. Have fun !
  1. "Better Living through Mohair"
  2.  "Hasidic Reflux"
  3. "Church of the Perpetual Catfish"
  4. "Kingdom of the Blessed Road Kill"
  5. "Holy Shit"
  6. "Focus on the Hairy Virgin"
  7. "The Sacred Covenant of Fuck It"
  8. "Orthodox Ooze"
  9. "Church of the Condescending One"
  10. "Steve's Witnesses: Where the sheep come to be slaughtered"

After we settle on a name, I’ll be working hard to invent the doctrines of this fine new faith and will present them in future posts.

(I attempted to create an easy-to-use poll/survey to make the voting process simpler, but it turns out that online poll programs frown upon the use of the words fuck and shit. Who knew?)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Question #30: The Secret to Life

Dinaho's Question: Hey Steve, what's the secret to life?

Current mood: lime

The secret to life, my friends, is to realize that pretty much everyone is full of shit.

Once you fully accept that, life becomes kind of amusing.

Thanks for your question Dinaho !

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Question #29: How to end a bad first date

Liam's question: Dear Steve, You already gave some advice on how to have a good first date. But what if the date is going bad? Maybe you can't wait to get away from the woman you are with. Can you give us some tips on how to end a bad date?

Current mood: fluffy

Excellent question Liam ! You're absolutely right. Sometimes the chemistry between two people just doesn't work. And let's face it, there's really no reason to be a date martyr . . . sticking it out to the bitter end just to be a nice guy, all the while pretending to like the sound of her voice, choking out laughter when she makes a lame joke and not slapping her when she chews with her mouth open. What I'm trying to say is that sometimes large breasts just aren't enough.

Being that I'm a veritable good idea machine, I have just the solution:

Steve The Raven’s Helpful Guide to Gently Ending an Unsuccessful First Date (I suggest printing out a copy of this guide so that you can have it with you at all times).

Of course, you could always excuse yourself to use the restroom and then not come back. But that's the easy way out and it makes you the bad guy, which can in turn hurt your reputation. The following suggestions are designed to inspire your companion to be the one to end the date, thereby making her the bad guy while allowing you to go home feeling great about yourself.

Important instructions for using STR's Helpful Guide to Gently Ending an Unsuccessful First Date: Only use one technique at a time.

- Make plastic surgery suggestions.

- Pretend you’re a robot.

- Become suddenly catatonic.

- Talk in vivid detail about how much you enjoy masturbating.

- Projectile vomit (chugging tequila guarantees this - I saw it on YouTube)

- Talk about your mother's breasts.

- Tell her that this is the first time you've been out with a woman who doesn't have sores on her mouth.

- Show her the little comb you use to brush the crabs out of your pubic hair.

- Ask to borrow $2000.

- Pretend you're really angry. (Helpful Hint: talk through clenched teeth like Clint Eastwood)

- After dinner is served tell her about your favourite new foreign movie: The Human Centipede.

- Breathe through your mouth.

- Tell her the following knock-knock jokes laughing hysterically after each one.

Knock, knock Who's there? Thistle. Thistle who? Thistle have to hold you until dinner's ready.

Knock, knock Who's there? Adolf. Adolf who? Adolph ball hit me in de mowf. Dat's why I dawk dis way.

Knock, Knock. Who's there? I love. I love who? I don't know, you tell me!

Knock, Knock. Who's there? Police. Police who? Police stop telling these awful knock, knock jokes!

Knock, knock. Who's there? Woo. Woo, who? Don't get so excited, it's just a joke.

Knock, knock. Who's there? Easter. Easter, who? The Easter Bunny.

Knock, knock Who's there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you glad you're not a human Centipede?

- Ask her if after dinner she'd do you the honour of letting you floss her teeth.

- Confess that you've been watching her for a very long time and how you don't approve of any of the men she's been spending time with.

- Ask her if after dinner you can move in with her.

Before you know it Liam, your bad dating experience will be a distant memory.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Steve Interviews " The Saint of the Bereft and Offensive," Mother Marconi de Poloma

Current mood: Munchausen

In this month's Steve the Raven Interviews Dead People I landed an exclusive interview with little known "Saint of the Bereft and Offensive," Mother Marconi de Poloma.

Mother Marconi was no doubt Jesus' favourite wife, but did you also know that she's believed to be the inspiration for the "Saint of the Gutters" herself, Mother Teresa (aka Agnes "Rosebud" Bojaxhiu)?

A word of warning to former/current Catholics: The following interview will likely make you very uncomfortable - perhaps to the point of needing to bathe. Subtext: Please don't send me hate mail

STR: Mother Marconi, what do you miss most about being alive?

MM:  Please, call me Francis. I think I miss leper colonies the most. Especially the smell.

STR: Fine dining for corvids !

MM: All that decay and suffering. It's the smell of love really. Beautiful rotting anguished love.

STR: . . . . . . . . . . I don't know how to respond to that. Why don't we move on to another question. I know you struggled with your faith when you were alive, what are your thoughts on Catholicism now that you're dead?

MM: I think I wasted a perfectly good vagina is what I think.

STR: Becoming a nun was a waste of time?

MM: A big hairy waste of time, my child. To think that I could've served the poor and the stricken while also having intercourse regularly really chaps my hide.

STR: Why'd you become a nun?

MM: The truth? I have no idea. I joined the Catholic church when I was very young. Very young and naive and idealistic. Well, it didn't take long to learn that power and money were worshipped at the Catholic altar. Did you ever see that big obnoxious car the pope gave me? I'll tell you what . . . that car was the nail that broke the camel's back for me.

STR: Sucks for the camel. If I remember correctly, you were accused of misusing charity money too.

MM: Listen here, Mister Know-it-all, that money was used to do Christ's work. Do you know how much it cost to feed and care for all those poor lost souls? I don't know what you've heard, but I had the gambling under control until the late eighties when my goddamn luck ran out. Until then the pope thought my knack for picking winners was worthy of canonization. Truly miraculous. No matter how hard I tried after that though I couldn't pick a winner if one came up and tapped me on the shoulder. The money was never for me, mind you - unlike some Catholics I know. I'll have you know that a lot of people benefitted from my time at the horse track. I was doing god's work until I started losing and realized there wasn't a god - that no god would let me lose at the track if he knew I was doing it to help his flock. Lord almighty, my ass.

I'll also have you know that the only money I ever spent on myself was to satisfy a very minor drug habit. Mere pennies really. I rarely paid for drugs since my dealers gave them to me for free - bless their sweet hearts. So really the amount of charity money spent on pills was minimal. And here's the bottom line - there was just no way I could live with myself eating three meals a day knowing so many were going without. Amphetamines really helped curb my appetite and my guilt. And I got so much accomplished.

STR: Wow, I didn't see that coming. Since you're being so open . . . what's the worst sin you committed while alive?

MM: I once spit sunflower seeds at a Jew. I was trying to get them in his ears. They were quite large, his ears. Like funnels really. I couldn't help myself.

STR: You're an interesting woman, Francis. Do you have any words of wisdom you'd like to share with the living?

MM: Yes, I think I do. I once said that abortion was the cause of all the disharmony in the world. I must have been tweaking very hard when I said that because it really just sounds ridiculous now. I'd like to encourage people to get abortions. Or better yet, wear a condom. For god's sake, adding more people to the world's population is not going to make it a more peaceful place. I don't know what I was thinking.